Elephant Migration between Minneriya, Kaudulla, Hurulu Eco Park & Galoya Eco Park.

Within that region, there are four national parks within close proximity. Minneriya National Park, Kaudulla National Park, Hurulu Eco Park, and Galoya Eco Park are the four of them. Because of their large elephant herds, all four parks are extremely popular with locals as well as tourists from all over the world. Generally, each year during the months of July to September, large groups of elephants are found in the Minneriya National Park and then they migrate to Kaudulla National Park during the months September to November due to high rains and lakes getting filled up. The Moragahakanda dam also fills the Minneriya and Kaudulla tanks, which supply water to farmers. At that period the grass (Elephants one of favourite food)  on the edge of tank is sinked. Therefore, during the months of December and January, the elephants make their way to Hurulu Eco Park and Galoya Eco Park for the final leg of their migration in search of food. They will then remain in those parks until the end of April. 

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